How HCSS Software Used Inbound Marketing to Increase Lead Generation by 400%

lead generation ideas from Dan Briscoe

Today we interview Dan Briscoe, the VP of Marketing for a software company called HCSS. HCSS started in 1986 and makes software for big construction companies. HCSS brought Dan in about 2.5 years ago when their leads began to stagnate. He has helped them achieve phenomenal results.

In the interview, we unpack the tactics that went into Dan’s results.

How did they get started? How did they get buy-in from the executive team? What did he do to experiment and deliver concrete results to sway the naysayers? How is SEO and video playing a role in their strategy? What lead generating ideas did he bring to HCSS?

We finish the conversation on how he provides concrete ROI data with analytics.

CMO Rishi Dave on Dun & Bradstreet’s Digital Marketing Transformation

rishi-dave-interview on digital marketing strategy

In this interview, Trent speaks with Rishi Dave, CMO of Dun & Bradstreet. Rishi has been with Dun & Bradstreet since February 2014. Trent found Rishi after reading an article titled, “If a 173 year old public company can digitally transform, what’s your excuse?”

If you are a CMO or CEO of an organization that hasn’t yet fully embraced digital marketing, you will learn a lot. Hear what Rishi focused on in the beginning and how they shifted their culture to embrace digital marketing.

What are a few other highlights? We talk about how the buyer’s journey has really changed in the last few years and how content marketing plays a role in that. Rishi also shares some best practices for lead segmentation.

Predictive Analytics: How to Apply Data Science to Your Company’s Sales Process

predictive analysis interview with Mick Hollison

In today’s interview with Mick Hollison, we talk about predictive analytics as it applies to lead scoring. Mick is the CMO for and a regular contributing author for Inc. Magazine.

Predictive analytics is a brand new topic for us on the BrightIdeas podcast. Predictive analytics helps you make objective decisions about lead quality based on key pieces of data. This information helps your sales team focus on those leads that have the highest probability of becoming customers.

Listen up and hear Mick explain in layman’s term what predictive analytics is, how it works, who should care about it, and how you can use it.

Conversion Optimization: How Created a Very Clever Testing Methodology to Maximize Trial Conversions

conversion optimization with john hurley

John Hurley is the director of product marketing for a venture backed startup called Radius. Radius has raised about $80M so far. They are selling an enterprise software solution to major brand players like American Express.

Today we have a very interesting conversation! We start with the content strategy that Radius uses to get traffic. Then we investigate their conversion process and the extensive multi-step test they conducted on how customers enter their software trial program.

This interview serves as an in-depth case study on detailed conversion optimization testing. It’s an area I’ve never explored in depth with a guest before and is full of great information.

Focus on how they drove traffic and how they maximized conversions. If you are with a SaaS company the issues discussed in this interview will be near and dear to your heart. Regardless, any company that wants to maximize traffic and conversion can pick up some great tips.