buyer persona

10 Things You Need to Know About Creating a Buyer Persona Template


Welcome back to another video in my series on content marketing. In this video, as the headlines might clue you in, we’ll be talking about Buyer Personas.

Creating a Buyer Persona is something that you don’t want to skip. This is really important because if you don’t take the time to define exactly who you’re writing for, and who you want to attract to your blog, ultimately you’re going to fail in three really important areas.

1-3. Relevancy, Engagement, and Sharing

Number one is relevancy. Without paying attention to your buyer persona, your content is not going to be as relevant as it otherwise could, and that can have a cascade effect on two other really important things:

  • If your content is not super relevant, your audience is not going to be very engaged
  • If they’re not very engaged, they’re not going to do a lot sharing on social networks

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Social Networks

When you produce copies of content (be that a video like the one above, or a podcast, or a written piece of content), if you really nail relevancy a lot of sharing can take place and it can actually have a very viral effect.

So how do you go ahead and get started with creating a buyer personas?


Start with research. You need to have a good idea of who you’re talking to and what their interests are. There’s a couple of ways you can do that:

4. Talk To Your Existing Customers

If you have customers right now, make sure that you pick up the phone and talk to them.

If they are your ideal customer you want more of those people, and this group is the easiest to contact. In order to track potential clients you need to understand precisely who they are (at the end of this post I’ll give you some materials to work with).

5. Audience Jacking

Now if you don’t have a lot of customers you can use a little term that I invented that’s called audience jacking.

Basically,  you’re going to go to your competitors blogs and look at who’s commenting on those blogs. Typically when people comment, their name is a hyperlink to their website and learn a lot more about those people.

6-8. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn

One other thing you are going to be able to do is find your audience’s social profiles.

When you figure out who they are, go to their Facebook page, check out their likes, and give yourself an idea of some of the interests of that individual.

The other thing you should do is go to their Twitter profile and look at their Twitter Stream, what site’s content they are retweeting, who they are following, etc. This is going to tell you a lot about the type of things that are of interest to this person, who is of course an interest to you.

It is the same with LinkedIn. Look at their LinkedIn profiles because there is a ton of data there for you to mine.

9. Quantcast

How do you find your competitors or learn about what their traffic is like?

There’s a free resource called Quantcast. If you type in any site URL into Quantcast you will get a lot of demographic information about that site. This is a great way to check basic demographic data and see what kind of traffic is coming in.

10. Quicksprout

Use this tool for any given website to find what the audience is most interested in.

Go to Quicksprout – Neil Patel has a tool there which does website analysis. You punch in the URL, let it crunch its numbers, then scroll down and you’ll see a list of all of the most shared pieces of content on that site – which, by the way, will give you ideas of the things that you should be writing about.

I want to continue to make these short videos for you and put out useful content regularly. So please, tell me what you think – I’d love to hear your feedback!

Resources Mentioned

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