Digital Marketing Strategy: Jessica Rhodes on How Marketers Can Leverage Pinterest for Content Promotion


How would you like a social media tool that gives you a broad audience reach? Would it be valuable to be able to share your content on a site where users are eager to browse, discover, and learn new things?

That site would be Pinterest, and if you’re not already using it for your business, you’re likely missing out. In this podcast, Pinterest expert Jessica Rhodes shares why Pinterest can be so useful for business, as well as how to best use the site to your advantage.

I got a lot of great tips from my conversation with Jessica and was able to implement a Pinterest sharing strategy immediately after we talked.

(Of course, Pinterest is just one form of social media you can successfully leverage for your business. Check out our past interviews from Twitter expert Mark Schaefer and LinkedIn expert Viveka von Rosen for ideas specific to those sites.)

Listen now and you’ll hear Jessica and I talk about:

  • (02:30) Introduction
  • (03:30) Why Pinterest is so important for marketers
  • (08:00) How to start developing a following on Pinterest
  • (11:00) How to get started pinning images
  • (13:00) What makes an image pinnable?
  • (15:00) How to make your pins stand out
  • (16:30) How infographics can be leveraged on Pinterest to increase attention
  • (18:20) Common mistakes made by pinners

Resources Mentioned

More About This Episode

The Bright Ideas podcast is the podcast for business owners and marketers who want to discover how to use online marketing and sales automation tactics to massively grow their business.

It’s designed to help marketing agencies and small business owners discover which online marketing strategies are working most effectively today – all from the mouths of expert entrepreneurs who are already making it big.

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Trent: Hey there, Bright Idea hunters. Welcome to the Bright Ideas

podcast. I am your host, Trent Dyrsmid, and this is the podcast for

marketing agencies, consultants, freelancers, and entrepreneurs who want to

discover how to use content marketing and marketing automation to massively

boost your business without having to massively boost the number of hours

that you work every week. And the way that we do that is we bring onto the

show proven experts to share with you the specific tactics and strategies

that they have used to build their own successful businesses. So no

theorists or gurus here, just real, live entrepreneurs who have been

generous enough to donate their time, come onto the show, answer my

questions, and provide you with bright ideas that you can immediately

implement into your business.On the show with me today is an entrepreneur by the name of Jessica

Rhodes. I asked Jessica to come onto the show, because she is an absolute

expert at Pinterest, and I am an Pinterest neophyte. Matter of fact, I

barely as of the recording of this episode, I barely even use Pinterest.

However, that is, of course, going to change as a result of what I learned

in this episode, which we’re going to get to in just a second.Before we do that, I just want to very quickly tell you about the

Bright Ideas Mastermind. If you are a marketing consultant, or a

freelancer, or you run a small marketing agency, and you are not satisfied

with how fast your company is growing, or you’re struggling to attract new

clients, or you’re just not sure what you should be doing next to ignite

that next level of growth, go to, and you’ll have

the opportunity to apply and join a very select group of people who are all

doing exactly the same thing, and who have that same mindset that by

helping each other, and by sharing ideas, the collective intelligence of

that Mastermind benefits in a big way everybody that is in it. So to get to

that, again, it’s with that said, please join me in welcoming Jessica to the show.Jessica Rhodes is the founder and president of ESS, Entrepreneur

Support Services, a business providing various admin and marketing support

services to busy entrepreneurs and small business owners. Entrepreneur

Support Services is the parent company to the, the

premier source for booking outstanding guests for your podcast. Jessica is

also highly skilled at social media marketing and specializes in using

Pinterest and specifically, custom infographics to drive tons of traffic to

her clients’ websites. Jessica founded ESS so she could stay at home with

her 7-month old son, Nathan, who she often refers to as her vice-president.

Hey, Jessica, welcome to the show.Jessica: Hey, Trent, thanks so much for having me on. I’m excited to be

here.Trent: And I’m excited to have you here, as well. So you are a

Pinterest marketing expert, and do you know, I’ve got to be honest with

you, I’ve paid less than zero attention to Pinterest, so, and I’m sure

there are some others who are listening to this, so you seem to think it’s

kind of a big deal, and you’re getting some really great results, so I

wanted to have you on, so that you can share your story, what those results

are, why people should be paying attention to it. So with all that said,

for people that don’t know who you are, please introduce yourself, and then

we’re going to dive right into it.Jessica: Yeah. I’m a work at home mom, first and foremost, I started my

business to be at home with my son, Nathan, who I, he’s kind of like my

vice-president, he’s very present in my business. And, yeah, he’s seven

months old now. And I started my business to be at home with him. Started

it before I became a mom, so it was, you know, kind of had that transition

out of my nine to five. I was working a non profit, transition out with

him.So, I am a Pinterest marketer, I do Pinterest marketing for my

clients, and have just seen amazing results from this platform. It’s the

third most popular social media platform online. It’s only a couple years

old, I’m sure you can guess what the first two are. But, it does seem like

not a lot of people are really taking advantage of how amazing this

platform is.As soon as I really started managing my one client’s Pinterest site,

we saw so many people going through to his website, people were staying

longer, so it’s really, with a couple very simple strategies that I know

we’re going to talk about today, Pinterest is a site where you can really

see some massive results on social media. I’ve just personally also in my

own business have seen Pinterest be really powerful and driving traffic to

my website. People are more open, it’s similar to Twitter, in that you can

really gain a lot more followers faster.I think getting people to like a Facebook fan page is kind of like

pulling teeth nowadays. I feel like it’s similar to an email newsletter.

People are very selective of who they’re liking on Facebook, who they want

to see in their news feed. But a place like Pinterest, you’re really able

to really build a big following, and get your content out to a large number

of people. That’s really why people should be using it, it’s just so

powerful in getting your message out.Trent: Absolutely. And you know, the timing of this interview is very,

very good because I’ve really been paying a lot of attention to content

promotion as of late, and so folks in the audience, this is how important

this stuff is. There’s a blog post that’s going to go live, it’ll be live

by the time this show is live, and in it, I reported my traffic since

starting to do more promotional stuff, and I have to confess, Pinterest is

not even a part yet of that promotional stuff. But our traffic has almost

doubled in a month, and we actually looked at the last week, and we are

looking at a level of traffic that, if it just repeats itself over the next

couple of weeks, is four x what it was a month ago.Jessica: Oh, it’s amazing. I mean, Trent, I know you know, content is

king on social media. People don’t want to be sold to on social media. They

are there for interaction, engagement, and information, and the great thing

about Pinterest with promoting your blog post, your podcast, your business,

is that you post that pin-able image, and people just click the pin and it

drives them right to the site.So if you were to post a great image on Facebook, you put in the

description, the link, to the blog post, so I know it works, I’m not a

Facebook marketing expert, so I won’t speak too much about that, but I feel

like on Facebook, there’s that extra step of, they get attracted to the

image, then they’ve got to look over to the description, and then click the

link to get to the site, whereas on Pinterest, it’s just two clicks to get

to your blog post. So I think that’s one of the big reasons you can really

drive a lot of traffic to your website.

Trent: So people like me who are super ill-informed about Pinterest

are going to think it’s like that website that all the chicks go to, you

know, look at shoes.

Jessica: Recipes and wedding pictures.

Trent: Yeah. You’ve got it. So you mentioned you have a client, and

he’s a guy. I’m guessing he’s not selling recipes and wedding pictures.

Jessica: No, not at all. He might have a couple pins with recipes that

he pinned when I wasn’t looking. So, it’s the great thing about Pinterest,

is, sure, if you are pinning recipes and wedding dresses, and you’re

following people who are pinning those things, that’s going to be on your

Pinterest feed. But I manage a couple different client sites, actually,

they’re both male, and they’re both marketers, and entrepreneurs, and their

Pinterest feed is that. It’s marketing content, it’s content for


The reason Pinterest is such a great place, not only to be on for

social media, but it’s a great place to, it’s kind of like a portfolio for

your business. My client has a podcast, a web TV show, a blog, many

different aspects to his business, so there’s boards to kind of show all of

that, whereas you may have different websites for your podcast, a website

for a sales page. On Pinterest you can show all that like a portfolio. And

so it’s a really powerful way to kind of just show who you are to your

clients and prospects without being sales-y.

Trent: Okay. So let’s kind of go through the steps, then, to achieving

success on Pinterest. I’m guessing the first thing you have to do is

probably start growing a following?

Jessica: Yeah, you want to, once you set up a page, and I recommend

everyone set up a business page, assuming you are there as an entrepreneur.

You want to set up a business page, and so if you already have a Pinterest

page, you can simply go, and click “Convert Here”,

to just make it a business page, and there’s really no difference from the

outside. If you look at business page, and you look at a personal page, you

wouldn’t be able to tell the difference, but as an entrepreneur on

Pinterest, if you have a business account, you can then utilize Pinterest

Analytics, where you can track which pins are most popular, how often

you’re getting shown on the Pinterest feed, and there’s a lot of other

different features, so, again, you want a Pinterest business page to really


You also just want to think a lot about your “About” description,

your profile image. You want to have your website verified. If you’re there

for business purposes and to market yourself and your business, you need to

have a profile that looks like you’re there to show off. I mean, if you’re

there for personal reasons, and again, you’re there to find recipes for

dinner, having your first name and a profile picture is all you need.

But to be there to market yourself and your business, you really want

to have a little “About” description, that’s optimized with keywords that’s

going to drive people, because, remember, Pinterest profiles can show up in

Google search results. Sometimes they show up more than your website if

your SEO isn’t that strong. So, that’s a really great way, again, to drive

people to your website is through your Pinterest profile.

And a little bit on verifying your website on Pinterest. When you go

to your account settings and you put your website in, you want to click

“Verify”. It’s a pretty simple step. If you’re not that tech savvy, I’m

sure you could talk to the person who manages your website, but it’s

essentially putting in some kind of, oh, I am not tech savvy, I think it

says beta code, or meta code, I hope people aren’t cringing if they’re tech

people. But it’s some kind of code that you then put on your website, so it

links your Pinterest page and your website, so that’s how you activate that

analytics feature.

It also shows a little check mark next to your website, and as a

Pinterest user, when I see that check mark on someone’s Pinterest page, I

know they’re there and they’re active. Because people don’t want to follow

you if you’re not pinning, right? So if you are there and you are pinning,

and you want to grow a following, you want to verify your website so people

are attracted to you and they say, okay, he’s got his website verified,

he’s got his boards filled up, this is someone that’s going to be

delivering content to me. So that’s a really important step in attracting a


Trent: Okay. So that’s a good start. And then, once you kind of get

all of that up and running, I’m guessing you’ve got to start pinning stuff.

Is that right?

Jessica: Right, right. So you want to set up boards, you know, to get

started, I would set up, let’s say you’re someone, let’s take you, for

example, Trent. You’ll be our hot seat here. You have a blog, you have a

podcast, you have different aspects to your business. I would recommend for

you, having a board for your podcast, and then as you start out, so you

create the board tonight, you want to have at least five pins on there,

because when you look at someone’s Pinterest page, and you’re looking at

their profile, you’ll see five preview images, right? So you’ll look at a

major pin, and then have four pins underneath. So you want to make sure

that when you’re looking at a Pinterest profile, all those five pins are

there. So at the very minimum, have five boards, five pins on each to get

started, and then you’re going from there.

I actually listened to an interview the other day, on a Pinteresting

podcast, I’ll give a shout out because I really like the podcast, it’s And she interviewed a woman who actually only spends

10 minutes a week on Pinterest, and gets massive results. So it’s not like

Twitter, where you need to be tweeting 30 times a day. If you blog a couple

times a week, or you have a weekly podcast, it’s as simple as taking five

minutes to just showcase your blog and your podcast, and the different

aspects to your business on Pinterest. So, it’s very, very simple, you

know, 10 minutes a week, people are seeing results from.

Trent: So let me, being as I’m on the hot seat, so let’s say when I

publish this particular episode, or the one I recorded earlier today, what

image do I want to pin? Like normally when I get a caricature of my guest

done, so surprise, surprise. You’ve got one coming your way. Is that what I

want to pin?

Jessica: Yeah, that’s a great, and I actually, you really stuck out to

me when we first connected. One of the reasons you stuck out is because of

those caricatures. That’s a great idea. And so I’ll talk a little bit about

what makes an image pin-able. So those caricatures are fantastic, because

they are going to attract attention on the Pinterest feed. When you’re

looking at the Pinterest feed, there’s a lot of square graphics. And if you

go to the Pinterest feed, just look at what your eyes are drawn to.

The one thing that I would add, Trent, to that image is text. So you

can use Photoshop, you know, there’s a lot of different simple software out

there where you can just add text. So I would put on there, “Listen to this

podcast episode with Pinterest marketing expert Jessica Rhodes, for tips

and tricks about Pinterest.” So you’d want to add a little bit of text, so

the people know what they’re going to be clicking through to. Because going

back to what I was talking about on Facebook, where you look at the image

and then you go over to the description, you want to cut out that second

step. So they look at the image, and they, in an instant, just by looking

at the image or reading the image text, people know exactly what they’re

going to get from it.

Trent: Okay. So that’s something I could easily have my VA do, is just

take the title of the episode, put it on top of the image, pin the image.

Jessica: And then you also want to have a call to action, so I think I

already said this, but you want to make sure on your pins you say, click

here for whatever you want them to do. You want to be very direct. Click

here to read this blog post. Click here to listen to this podcast. People

are very simple creatures, if you tell them to do something, they’re going

to do it. I mean, if it’s clicking to get to something that’s going to be

entertaining, you’ll be surprised at how many people do that.

Trent: And so with so many other boards and Pinterest users and so

forth, how the heck is my stuff ever going to stand out?

Jessica: Well, you want to go through, and you want to follow people in

your niche. So a really good way to build the following and get the right

people to follow you, is to who are the “celebrities” in your industry. The

lesson of who are your ideal followers, who are your ideal listeners,

clients and prospects, who are they hanging out with, who are they

following? You want to follow those people.

And you also want to be interactive on Pinterest, so when somebody

repins your pin, go and leave a comment that says, “Hey, thanks for

sharing. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes so you don’t miss an episode.”

Because when you leave a comment, your name and profile picture is now

showing up on the Pinterest feed below that pin. So doing things like that.

A pretty standard practice is when you follow someone, they usually follow

you back, so very simply, if you go out and follow the people that want to

follow you, that’s a really fast way to build a following. I said

“following” a lot in that sentence.

Trent: But don’t worry, I’m following you. All right. So now we’re

getting a little bit of traction, we’ve figured out how to pin some stuff.

You see a lot of infographics these days, and I will confess, I am actually

not the biggest fan of infographics. I guess my brain is just not wired to

appreciate them. But it seems that I am the exception, that a lot of people

really seem to like infographics. So, in case anyone listening to this

doesn’t know what an infographic is, maybe you should explain that, and

then why do I want to do it.

Jessica: Sure. So, infographics are long, thin images. You see them on

Pinterest, and they kind of capture a lot of information accompanied by

colorful graphics and pictures. And the reason people like them is because

they’re eye candy, and quite frankly, the reason I like them from a

Pinterest marketing perspective, is they just get more attention. So,

obviously, it’s not a one size fits all. There’s going to be the Trents of

the world that don’t like them, and that’s fine, but, from a marketing

perspective, they just take up more real estate on the Pinterest feed, so

they’re going to attract more attention, and that’s why I like them, and

why I use them. It’s because they’re able to get more attention, people

repin them more often.

Because a lot of time on Pinterest, people will repin an image,

because it has information that they don’t really want to read right now,

but they want to save it for later. So, they’re like, “This infographic

looks really interesting, I don’t want to read it right now, but I’m going

to repin it onto my board, and save it for later.” And when that happens,

say they have 300 followers, now 300 other people are now going to see that

infographic that you had pinned originally. So, I mean, that’s another

reason Pinterest is amazing, is because everything goes viral.

Trent: Now I see why I might actually end up liking infographics. If

they get me more traffic . . .

Jessica: Yeah, you don’t have to even look at them all the time, but if

you get them made, or you make them, you’re going to see some nice results.

Trent: And then I would like them a lot, actually.

Jessica: Yeah, exactly.

Trent: All right. I’m sold. So how about mistakes you see people

making on Pinterest? What are some of the things that you don’t want to do?

Jessica: So, a big mistake, a big no-no, is changing the source link on

somebody else’s pin. So, you know, you’re our hot seat today, Trent, so say

for example you get this awesome caricature made of your guest, Jessica

Rhodes, you make this great pin, your VA pins it, it links back to your

website, and I repin it, and then I click edit when it’s on my Pinterest

page, and I change the link to go to my website.

Trent: Oh, you bad person.

Jessica: You would be really mad, right? So, that’s happened to me, it’s

happened before, because people see this awesome pin, they’re like, “I love

that graphic. It kind of fits my website, I’m going to change the link and

go to my website.” And unfortunately, people can do that, but it’s a big

Pinterest no-no. You don’t want to do that, somebody took the time to

create a great image, it links to their website, it’s custom to their

content, so that’s just a big thing you don’t want to do. You want to be

creating content.

So going into my next kind of do and don’t, 80% or more of the pins

on Pinterest are just circulating throughout the site. Not a lot of people

add to the site, not a lot of people are uploading content, or pinning from

their websites or other websites. They’re just kind of hanging out on

Pinterest and repinning. So, one of the things that you really, as a

Pinterest marketer, if you’re on there for your business, you don’t just

want to repin everyone else’s content.

You want to focus on being that 20%, that 15%, that’s adding content

to the site. Because as soon as you do that, it takes you a couple minutes,

months and years down the road, people are still going to be finding it

through their search results, and they’re still going to be repinning it.

And I see that with my clients, I pinned, I made an infographic for a

client back in May, and to this day, people are still finding it, still

repinning it, and it’s still driving traffic to his websites. So, that’s

another reason why infographics are great.

Trent: Well, and infographics are just another form of content

marketing, and anyone who’s been listening to my show for any amount of

time knows that the reason that Bright Ideas is successful is because of

content marketing. We don’t advertise to get people to come and find us. We

just make sure that we have a lot of content and it gets spread all over

the Internet. When I talked at the very beginning of this episode about

this huge boost in traffic that we’ve received, it’s just because we

started to actually do more promotion of the content that we were creating,

and that’s why. And I think this interview is timely, because we are going

to start doing this stuff with Pinterest, even though . . . go ahead.

Jessica: Yeah, and Pinterest, what I’ve really seen with Pinterest is

that people treat is as a search engine. I know I treat it as a search

engine. I mean, I’m there to market myself and my business, and my client’s

business, but I’m also on there, when I want a recipe for dinner, I mean,

we laughed about this, but I will go to Pinterest first. I treat it as a

place to find information. So, sure, as an example, I go on there to find a

great recipe for dinner, but I also go there to find new podcasts to listen

  1. So it’s a great place to be showcasing.

I have a group board that, Trent, once you’re up and going on

Pinterest, I’ll invite you to pin there. It’s a must-listen to podcast

group board, so everyone who’s pinning to that board, there’s maybe like

five to 10 of us pinning to it, and when one of us pins to it, it shows up

on everybody’s feed. So, again, that’s just a way to get your content out

there to a massive amount of people.

Trent: So tell me a little bit more about a group board. So, did you

create this group board? Can anybody create a group board?

Jessica: Yeah. So anyone can create a group board. There’s lots out

there. A group board is essentially a Pinterest board that more than one

person can pin to. So when you go to your Pinterest page and you click

create a board, you name it, you have a description. You create the board,

then you go back to edit it and then add people to pin to it. And I think

they have to be following you to actually be invited to pin on the board,

but they’re really, really great, like I said, to get your content out

there to more people.

Say for example, you, Trent, have 5,000 followers on Pinterest,

which, I don’t think you do yet. But, I invite you to pin to my group

board, and I pin to it, and since you’re also a pinner on that group board,

my pin’s going to now show up on your feed, which has 5,000 followers. So,

anyone can create one, you can join them, a lot of people will put in the

description, if you want to join this group board, I mean, some group

boards have hundreds of people pinning to them. They’ll say, oh, just leave

a comment on this pin, and I’ll add you. So, everyone who has one has their

different way of adding people, but if you ever get invited to pin to one,

I always encourage it, as long as it’s relatively aligned with your niche,

I always recommend joining them.

Trent: Okay. I’m looking at, I actually have an old Pinterest account

from my old blog, and it’s got the name of, so in the top right hand corner

of the browser, there’s a little picture of me, and then the name of my

Pinterest account. Is that changeable?

Jessica: What’s your user name for that, the old page?

Trent: It’s “Online Income”, it’s the old blog. And obviously, I want

to use Bright Ideas, so I’m trying to figure out if I have to create a new

account, or whether I can change that one. I don’t see in settings a place

to change it.

Jessica: So, is “Online Income” the user name that you would put in the

URL, Because I’m getting Stephan Roth, which

I’m guessing isn’t you.

Trent: Try “Online Income Lab”.

Jessica: Okay.

Trent: That was my old blog. Yeah, that’s . . .

Jessica: Okay. Yep. Canadian thrill seeker. So, what you can do, I’m

trying to think. So what was your question about changing the . . .?

Trent: Can I change the user name of the Pinterest account? Because I

don’t want to be at I want to be at So should I just create a new account, or can I

change this one?

Jessica: Sure. I think that you can change the user name, and I’m

drawing a blank on how to do that. But I think if you go to settings that

you will be able to do that, and it’s actually a good idea to keep this

account, because it doesn’t look like you have a ton of followers, but it’s

nice to not start from scratch if you already have people following you

there. So if you go to settings, I do believe that you would be able to.

But, I can, of course, reconnect it to try to find out.

Trent: Nope, you can, I just figured it out. If you clicked on “Edit

Profile”, you can change anything that you would like. Perfect.

Jessica: Oh, there we go. There we go.

Trent: All right. Terrific. So, I know that you also have an

infographics business, so I want to give you an opportunity to, if people

want to connect with you, if they’ve liked what they’ve heard, but they

just can’t bear the thought of making their infographics, or they can’t

bear the thought of taking on the management, or they don’t have a VA to

take on the management of yet another social network, how do people get in


Jessica: Sure, thanks. My business is called “Entrepreneur Support

Services”. So, you can connect with me at

You’ll find my blog there, you’ll find Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter,

connecting with me on social media, and yeah. If you just to my website,

you’ll be able to find, I do design custom infographics, so for a very

reasonable price, more reasonable than I have seen anywhere out there with

any of my competitors, I’ll design a custom infographic for you. And you

can find me on Pinterest at, is where you’ll

find me on Pinterest, and you can see all the infographics that I’ve

designed there, as well.

Trent: And, how do you spell Rhodes?

Jessica: R-H-O-D-E-S. Like the state, Rhode Island.

Trent: Okay. And you said very reasonable price. I’m going to put you

on the spot. How reasonable is reasonable?

Jessica: It is. I charge $100 flat for an infographic.

Trent: Okay. And so folks, if you want to see the quality of her

infographics, again, and we’ll link to it from the show notes, this is

episode I believe number 86, so you’ll be able to get, sorry, no, yeah, 86.

You’ll be able to get to these show notes at, and there

you will find links to everything we’ve talked about, including Jessica’s

site and Pinterest profile and so forth. So if you’re driving your car

right now, don’t try and write all this stuff down, please.

All right. So any closing thoughts, Jessica on Pinterest marketing

before we wrap up this episode?

Jessica: Yeah. I would just, you know, don’t get into overwhelm mode.

There’s a lot of Pinterest profiles out there where there’s 30 boards, and

a thousand pins. If you go on there and just set up a couple of boards to

capture your blog posts, your podcast episodes, whatever you’ve got as far

as content goes, just doing that for a couple minutes a week, and getting

those pins up there is really going to make a big difference in where your

website traffic is coming from.

Trent: And how do you, you said five boards at the beginning? How do I

decide what five boards? So let’s put me back on the hot seat, I’m assuming

I’m going to have a board for my podcasts.

Jessica: Right. So you can have a board for your podcasts, or you can

have several boards for your podcasts. So if you break up your podcasts,

you could do it by time. So, here are all my interviews from fall of 2013.

So you can categorize your podcasts, as opposed to just having one board

with all of your episodes. And you can do the same thing with your blog,

you can have one board for your blog, but if you’ve been blogging for

several years, and you’ve got hundreds of posts, you can also categorize

it, so social media blog post, marketing blog post. And then I don’t know

all the aspects of your business, but wherever you’re creating content,

create a board to capture that content, create pins, and pin it.

Trent: Okay. And I notice a lot of people, and probably I should do

this on mine, they have the social sharing icons to the left that float up

and down like I do. Pinterest isn’t one of those, if I do that, I can

probably just have my VA click that little pin button right there, and then

choose the image? Now, it will extract an image from the post, or does it

give us choices of which image in the post we want to use?

Jessica: Right. So when you’re at a blog post and you click the pin it

thing that you put in your tool bar, that will then grab the pinnable

images that you would put into the blog post. So I always recommend putting

pinnable images into the blog post, so it will grab it, people can choose

which one they want to pin. And you actually reminded me, I wanted to

recommend that people make their website Pinterest friendly by adding in

Pinterest widgets, which you can get at So, when you

put the actual pin it button on the blog post, you’re actually going to be

encouraging the people that visit your blog to pin your content for you. So

that’s really where you want to get to, is where you have people pinning

your content for you, because why wouldn’t you want that?

Trent: Yeah, no kidding. I like it when the audience, or the site

visitors, do all the promotional work.

Jessica: Exactly. So if you have that pin it button, it’s really going

to help that.

Trent: And you get that at

Jessica: Yep. And they’re free, they’re just simple little plug ins.

Trent: Okay. Well, Jessica, thank you so much for making some time and

enlightening me on what the opportunity that I’m missing by ignoring

Pinterest, which I will put to an end immediately. And I appreciate you

making the time to be on the show.

Jessica: Thank you so much for having me, Trent. I appreciate it.

Trent: You’re welcome. All right, so that wraps up episode number 86

of the Bright Ideas podcast. To get the show notes for this episode, go to If you enjoyed listening to this episode and found value

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That’s it for this episode. I’m your host, Trent Dyrsmid. Thank you

so much for tuning in. If you are not yet a subscriber, please go to and become one, and when you do, I will give you a four-part

video training series on how to maximize conversions, both on your website,

and in your marketing funnel. And if you don’t know what a marketing funnel

is, when you go into mine, and you start watching these videos, you are

going to be in for a huge eye opener, and you will probably realize, like

everyone else that goes through, that there is a huge opportunity for you

in your own business to implement strategies like I am teaching you in this

four-part video series. So I absolutely promise you, you will find huge

value in going and watching those videos. And again, you can get them for

free, by going to

Thank you so much for tuning in, we will see you again in another

episode soon.

About Jessica Rhodes

JessicaRhodesAfter graduating from Temple University with a degree in Communications, Jessica spent 3 years leading a team of door to door non-profit fundraisers. With a goal to be a stay at home mom to her son, Nathan, Jessica founded Entrepreneur Support Services, parent company to Interview

Jessica and her team help busy entrepreneurs leverage the power of social media marketing to drive more traffic to their websites. With the launch of Interview, Jessica helps motivated podcast hosts book outstanding guests on their shows.