Attn Marketing Agencies: Put Client Attraction on Auto-Pilot

What do you traditionally do with the leads that you capture? I am assuming that most of you will call them or send them an email. If they don’t respond, you will call them again or send them another email. If they don’t respond again, you will probably call them again or send them another email.

Now, here’s the real question. What do you do next?

If you are like most agencies, you stop trying to contact the prospect and the lead ends up in the trash.

Do you realize how much business you potentially throw away every single day? Imagine the impact on your business if you could convert an extra 10% of the leads that go in the trash.

Have you ever wondered why it’s so important to nurture your prospects?


It’s because 81% of your sales happen after you make seven or more contacts to your prospects. Seven contacts! How many of you can honestly tell me you attempt to make seven or more contacts to your prospects.

Please don’t feel bad because 85% of the time, we stop after 1 to 2 contacts.

Have you ever wondered the cost of not making the additional 4 to 5 contacts to each of your prospects? (For the answer to that, check out this post.)

The reason most people don’t stay in touch this often is because they simply forget, or, it’s just too much work. This is where marketing automation can really help.

In the video below, I will give you a walk through of a complete client attraction marketing campaign built specifically for marketing agencies and local marketing consultants.

In this video you will see how I’ve automated:

  • Webinar invitations
  • Webinar follow up
  • Sale opportunity management
  • Long term prospect nurturing
  • and more…

Client Attraction on Auto-Pilot

Get this Marketing Funnel for FREE

As you’ve seen in the video above, Infusionsoft is an incredibly powerful tool for marketing automation. It also does a LOT of other very valuable things…but if I showed them all, the video would have been a few days long :)

One of the challenges with Infusionsoft is that when you first get your account set up, it doesn’t come with any pre-built campaigns or content. This means that new users must create all their own and this can take some time.

To help with that, any marketing agencies or marketing consultants that wish to use my affiliate link to sign up for Infusionsoft will receive a copy of the campaign that you saw in the video above, plus a copy of my engagement campaign, and the webinar slides.

Trust me when I say, I will be saving you a lot of time. You will not have to manually re-create anything. Instead, Infusionsoft’s tech support team will simply copy my prebuilt campaigns into your app. No muss, no fuss. Just instant results.

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