How to Measure Customer Engagement with Infusionsoft
When it comes to nurturing your prospects, by far the the most important thing you can to is to provide them with valuable educational content and then devote your energy to following up with those that are most engaged.
The challenge is to know which of your prospects are most engaged without having to actually call each and every one of them!
With traditional outbound prospecting techniques, most of our efforts are focused on following up with every prospect to ask some version of “would you like to buy now?”.
As you might guess, the effectiveness of this ‘old-school’ style of prospecting is rapidly deteriorating, because neither sales reps nor customers enjoy this type of phone call.
Worse yet, due to the manual nature of making so many calls to unqualified leads, it’s an extremely inefficient use of time!
A Much More Efficient Solution
If you are an Infusionsoft user, there is there is a much more effective way to achieve greater results with less effort (and frustration).
In the video below, I’m going to show how exactly how this can be done.
As you can see, this is an extremely efficient way to ensure that you are reaching out to your very best prospects for any topic or product that you have for sale.
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