How to Drastically Lower Your Amazon PPC Campaign ACOS – The Daily Nugget

In today’s Daily Nugget video, we are going to talk about how to drastically lower your Amazon PPC ACOS by using a tool called Teikametrics.

Of all the PPC management tools that I have tested, this one is BY FAR the most effective for two main reasons:

  1. Our ACOS has never been lower
  2. Managing our campaigns takes less time than ever before

If you aren’t yet running PPC campaigns on most of the products you sell, why not?

The most common reason why sellers don’t run PPC campaigns is because they don’t have time to manage them.

The second most common reason is because they can’t get them to be profitable.

Teikametrics has help my team and I to solve both problems and as a result, our sales have increase, our share of buy box has increased, and our suppliers love us more than ever for doing something for them that few other sellers bother to do.